We had a fabulous time in California 2 weeks ago. The trip began like this:

But quickly turned into this:

These were Lydia's very first rides. We thought she would get nervous, so Ryan went with her on the first ride (what a good sport- he barely fit). She didn't need him at all, so we set her free on a few others. She was a natural!
this looks like mickey's grove...where is it? we need some california sun at the sell house hold.
Where was this? Isn't it funny how uninhibited you become when you have children. Ryan, you are a good sport. Lydia cracks me up, there she is with her sun glasses again. She is the queen of celebrity.
These were taken at Mickey's Grove- Evonne, you are amazing.
WHAT ! that wasn't a very long part I...rip off
I love her wearing her glasses! even asleep , what a troop..and very 'cool' little gal she is. Ryan is a dear to squeeze himself in that car. true love.
i just love love LOVE CALIFORNIA!!!!
pretty sure we are all ready for part 2.........:)
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