My dad does not own a T-shirt. When I was in Girl Scouts, we decorated T-shirts for our dads for Father's Day. My devoted daddy dutifully wore my proudly made gray T-shirt with a lovely portrait of a yellow haired girl with a triangle nose. Then, the shirt made it's way into the far recesses of his drawers and never surfaced again. That is the only time in my life I have ever seen him wear a T-shirt. (He must love me a lot!)
Any given Saturday, you can go to my parent's house and find my dad weeding, mowing the lawn, or trimming the bushes, wearing a button down long sleeved shirt. What's more, there's a good chance that button down shirt has been ironed!
So I adore this picture of my dad in Bethany, riding a camel in a button down shirt. (At least it's short sleeved!)