Friday, April 10, 2009

This, That, and the Other

Lydia can walk down stairs now. Kind of makes this gate pointless.

Actually, the gate and our lack of shutting it is probably what aided in her new skill of walking down stairs!

Hair bows don't stay in hair very long in this house. We're working on it, but Lydia is just too curious.

I'm getting very nervous about Lydia's reach.


Unknown said...

I was gonna comment on how cute her hair bow is...and then I scroll down to see that she doesn't like it. So freakin, stinkin', cute!

Shantel said...

It was so good to see you in Logan (and in Springville too I guess!!). And so good to finally meet Lydia and Ryan! What a cute family!!

Shantel said...
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Bassetts said...

More baby-proofing needed! I can't believe how big she is. I also can't wait to Keira can start running around with her. Too cute.